Year 1/2
Dyma Dosbarth Mrs Hughes, Blwyddyn 1 a 2!
Some useful information about Blwyddyn 1 & 2.
PE - PE is on a Thursday please ensure your child come to school wearing their PE kit in school every Thursday. Our school PE kit is a white t-shirt, black shorts or joggers and a hoodie.
Forest School - The children will have the opportunity to visit our forest area every Friday to explore and learn in a very different environment to the classroom. To do this your child will need a pair of wellies in school all year. Please ensure you send a pair of named wellies into school for your child and their wear old clothes with long sleeves and trousers every Friday.
Snack - A morning snack is recommended for all children at playtime. We provide fruit and milk at a cost of £1 a week for all children. Please make sure this is paid on a Monday for your child on our School Gateway App.
Water bottles- Your child needs a drink to to help them think! Please make sure your child has a water bottle in school. Bottles should be sent to school with your child Everyday.
Home Learning - Your child is given home learning Via our Seesaw app, please read it and try to complete either by the following Monday or the date given.
Reading - Reading is vital to your child’s development. Please try to read this daily or as often as you can and comment in their reading record about how they have read and how they enjoyed the book. New books will be given on a Monday and a Friday IF they have been read at home.