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Ysgol Bryn Gwalia C.P.

Growing Together, Aiming High

Breakfast Club


The Welsh Assembly Government made a commitment to provide all children of primary school age registered in maintained primary schools in Wales with the opportunity to have a free, healthy breakfast at school each day.


The scheme is intended to improve the health and concentration of children to assist in the raising of standards of learning and attainment. It is not intended to replace breakfast already provided by parents/guardians but allows all children to have a healthy breakfast at school. All children from nursery age to year 6 are welcome each normal school day.


The Breakfast Club is open from 7;50am until 8:50am. Please do not arrive earlier or later as breakfast will not served. Pupils enter the club via the main entrance, where they will be received and registered by one of the supervisors on duty, before making their way to the school hall. If you require your child to be supervised in school before 8:20am, they can attend our morning Fun Club from 7:50am at the cost of £2 per child. 

A booking form will need to be filled in to secure a place for Breakfast Club. This will need to be completed each week and submitted the Thursday before. Payment will also need to be in advance in order to secure a place.




  • A variety of cereals and milk.
  • Toast
  • Fresh fruit
  • Yogurt
  • Milk
  • Water


Breakfast club is open to all children but they can only be admitted once their parents/guardians have completed the online booking form.


