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Ysgol Bryn Gwalia C.P.

Growing Together, Aiming High

Family Learning

How Can I support my child at home ?

At Ysgol Bryn Gwalia we regularly offer parenting groups that focus on activities/learning opportunities that parents have requested.  We are always open to suggestions.  From the last few groups we gained insights into what families would like next.  One requested was an internet safety course and the other was cooking.  Both these groups have been found and allocated.

Here is a video to help support sleep times if your child struggles with bed time



We have also sourced some useful online learning support to help support your child within all areas of our rich curriculum


 * Jolly Phonics this gives you the sounds and how we teach phonics.

* Literacy and Maths - Games to support

* Literacy- Cbeebies story time

* Literacy - Books and stories to enhance your child's love of books

* Literacy- Phonics Play



Family Point Wales

FamilyPoint Cymru connects families in Wales with essential services for information, advice ... Whatever your family needs, we'll point you in the right direction. 


At Ysgol Bryn Gwalia we use Seesaw to connect parents to their children's Seesaw so that parents can see their children's work and access messages and information from their children's class teacher.

Please see below a tutorial to help you access this


Accessing SeeSaw for Parents and Carers

A step by step video to show how to use Seesaw

Flintshire Healthy Schools Scheme
