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Ysgol Bryn Gwalia C.P.

Growing Together, Aiming High

Digital Skills

Digital Competence Framework

The Framework encapsulates the skills that will help learners thrive in an increasingly digital world

Digital competence is one of 3 cross-curricular responsibilities, alongside literacy and numeracy. It focuses on developing digital skills which can be applied to a wide range of subjects and scenarios.

The Framework, which has been developed by practitioners from Pioneer Schools, supported by external experts, has 4 strands of equal importance, each with a number of elements.

Citizenship – which includes:

  • Identity, image and reputation
  • Health and well-being
  • Digital rights, licensing and ownership
  • Online behaviour and cyberbullying.

Interacting and collaborating – which includes:

  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Storing and sharing.

Producing – which includes:

  • Planning, sourcing and searching
  • Creating
  • Evaluating and improving.

Data and computational thinking – which includes:

  • Problem solving and modelling
  • Data and information literacy.

Schools and settings should familiarise themselves with the framework, agreeing their strategic vision for cross-curricular digital competence and consider how to translate this into practice.

For more information on the Digital Competence Framework, click here to visit the Learning Wales website.


E aware

Pupil safety online is of paramount importance to us.  We work with e aware to ensure that we constantly assess for any areas of danger online and address these as soon as possible.






From the release of a report by Professor Donaldson, titled 'Successful Futures', the Welsh Government developed a framework to develop the children's digital competence across the curriculum- titled The Digital Competence Framework (DCF)
