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Ysgol Bryn Gwalia C.P.

Growing Together, Aiming High

Community Projects

Working with Parents and the wider community is central to our work in Ysgol Bryn Gwalia. We know that it takes a Village to raise a child, and our Bryn Gwalia Village is a special one. All staff and governors understand the importance of this and we are always looking to extend great working relationships. To support parents with learning, volunteering and to provide support we have a School Liason Officer, Mrs Jo Wyatt who is on hand to help out whenever she can. Mrs Wyatt and team also runs SHEP club.


Mold Community Hospital

We have developed really close links with the local hospital here in Mold.  We know how tough the past 2 years has been for the patients and we work hard to try and support where we can.  The children have met patients virtually as well as visited the Hospital at Christmas to sing Carols through the window.  Recently we have developed a three way community based project with Theatre Clwyd to help give the patients even more opportunities in the hospital.


Ysgol Bryn Gwalia has teamed up with the local Tesco store in Mold and some wonderful work has been going on! As well as pointing us in the direction for applying for Funding for our gardening club by using the in-store tokens, they have also looked at other ways to help. After noticing that the School Council had asked for some painting to be done, they quickly assembled a team of volunteers, who gladly gave up their time to come and work with us in school! There will be other similar projects in the pipeline and we look forward to developing the links further.


'Helping hands' - Thank you Tesco!

We decorated the Tesco window at Christmas!
