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Ysgol Bryn Gwalia C.P.

Growing Together, Aiming High

Y Senedd


Pupil voice is highly regarded at Ysgol Bryn Gwalia . One of the ways pupils can express their ideas is via our  School Council- Y Senedd.

The School Council meet half termly to share and discuss views.

Each class across the age ranges, starting from Year 1/2 through to Year 6, have two main representatives that have been elected by their peers.


The children are enthusiastic members and are keen to fulfil their role as a Councillor.


What do the children think about Y Senedd?

  • They think it is important that as a Councillor they represent everyone in school and carry forward ideas from their peers in class.
  • They believe they should be an outstanding role model to others in school.
  • All think it is important to raise money for school and other school supported charities.
  • School Council is fun and they enjoy coming to meetings to discuss important things.

