School Logo

Ysgol Bryn Gwalia C.P.

Growing Together, Aiming High


Welcome to our school website. We hope that this site gives you an insight into the range of opportunities and experiences we offer and our ethos of care, enjoyment and achievement and of the high expectations we set for pupil growth both academically and emotionally.


Ysgol Bryn Gwalia has a wonderful atmosphere where learning and respect is at its heart. You can sense this as soon as you walk through the gates. Everyone feels valued and the children develop into caring citizens who are knowledgeable and thoughtful about Wales and the world in which they live. Staff work very hard to create lessons and learning experiences which are stimulating and challenging.


The school is central to the community and activities supporting families are an important part of our busy calendar. We aspire to enrich the lives of all of our children and raise their aspirations for their future. We are determined that our children love every minute of being in primary school and leave well prepared for the rest of their school journey and their lives with plenty of happy memories to look back on.


The staff and governors are immensely proud of this school, of the achievements of our children, of our supportive parents, and the dedication and talent of our staff team.


Lorraine Dalton

Pennaeth - Headteacher
