School of Sanctuary
What is a School of Sanctuary?
- A school that educates the whole school community about the experiences and realities of people who have been forced to flee to foster empathy and understanding.
- A school, nursery or sixth-form that fosters a culture of welcome and safety for people seeking sanctuary, including asylum-seeking and refugee families.
- A school that plays an active role in building a culture of welcome by connecting with and supporting local refugee organisations, collaborating with other institutions to raise awareness and advocate for a kinder approach towards those seeking safety.
Why we want to become a School of Sanctuary...
Schools are the centre of our communities and so they have a powerful role in building cultures of welcome and compassion and ensuring families seeking sanctuary are effectively supported.
As of the end of 2022, there are more than 108 million people who have been forcibly displaced, of whom about 40% are children. This is an important global phenomenon that can not be ignored and that schools must address in order to build understanding and empathy.
Within the UK, this has never been more important with widespread hostile – and often inaccurate- rhetoric in the public and in the media driving increasingly cruel immigration policies and encouraging attitudes of distrust and hate. Schools can combat misinformation and promote approaches led by kindness and compassion rather than mistrust and judgement.
Schools have also never before been more at the forefront of receiving and supporting those forcibly displaced: the recent, sudden arrival of people from Ukraine, Afghanistan and changes to the dispersal of families seeking asylum across the UK mean schools are increasingly the first supportive institution refugee children and families come into contact with. Despite this, there is a lack of guidance, teacher training, funding and support for schools to develop provision and practice that effectively meets the needs of students seeking sanctuary. The Schools of Sanctuary programme helps schools access the resources, advice and guidance to review and refine their practice and build much needed expertise in relevant areas. Ensuring sanctuary seeking children are supported in school has tangible impacts on their wellbeing and educational progression and outcomes.
Children often feel passionately about standing with those who are most marginalised and disadvantaged and Schools of Sanctuary support students to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to take action and make change. These are transferable skills that help pupils to become responsible citizens and positive changemakers.
Working towards becoming a School of Sanctuary also provides schools with a powerful focus for possible development in areas such as:
- Meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010
- Imaginative re-engagement with required curriculum areas such as literacy, language arts, geography, history, humanities
- Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education and ‘British Values’
- Aligning with the emphasis on ‘courageous advocacy’ in the SIAMS framework and the principle of Catholic Social Justice Teaching.
- Building a school culture an inclusive school culture of belonging that reduces intolerance, hate speech and bullying
- Improving the provision of English as an additional language in school
- Fostering ethically-informed active citizenship and changemaking skills amongst young people
- Engaging families and strengthening the school’s role in the local community